Don’t take the risk of a child or a pet getting into the flames of your fireplace. Don’t let your expensively produced heat go up the chimney, especially when the fire isn’t burning. Do you have a Superior brand fireplace? If you do, you really need Superior fireplace glass doors. Children and pets are kept away from the fire as well as the mess when the fire is out. The Superior fireplace doors also add to your home’s energy efficiency allowing you to seal off the fireplace opening at times when you don’t have a fire. Don’t let cold winter air rush into the room you’re trying to heat.
Superior fireplace glass doors insulate the fireplace when the fireplace is not in use by providing a "dead air" space between the closed damper and closed fireplace glass doors. After you are done enjoying the fire you can immediately close the fireplace doors and keep the heat from your furnace from going up the chimney. The fire will continue to radiate heat into the room.
You can make a tremendous difference in the look of your room with Superior glass fireplace doors. There are few things you can spend so little money on and get such a dazzling effect. They don’t cost an arm and a leg. If you want to save money, you can install these things yourself. It’s really simple and quick. You don’t need a builder’s license or major construction experience to do this. Simple tools. Simple instructions.
A wide variety of Superior fireplaces exist and Superior fireplace doors are available for them. The model numbers on the fireplace will show you which doors you need for the perfect installation. Check the sticker or tag on the inside of your fireplace to find your model number. If you can’t find the number, call for help. If all else fails, you can measure the firebox opening and order doors based upon that.
You get a lifetime guarantee for the glass portion of every Superior fireplace door set. You also receive free glass tinting, full swing door upgrade, free shipping and a no hassle satisfaction guarantee. If you’re burning wood, get the tinted glass as it hides the ashes once the fire has gone out. The full swing door option requires less maintenance and may actually be removed for much easier cleaning. The most popular color for the Superior fireplace doors is black as most fireplaces are black. Most are also available in a polished brass finish.
If you already have a frame, just the replacement glass may be purchased. Tracks come with many fireplaces and provide a channel for the fireplace doors to slide into. Tracks must have a clip in the track to hold the glass doors in place. The Z Track has tracks for the top and bottom of the fireplace opening and also includes the glass. The basic model has a ¾ “frame. Another model has a larger 7/8” frame. The Heritage Steel Door is the top of the line and has a 1 ¾” steel frame. All of the frames also include the glass.
There are several options for Superior fireplace doors ranging from just replacing the glass to the full fireplace door set. Here are the different ones:
The Superior fireplace door replacement glass features Teflon bi-fold door guides for silky smooth operation.
Superior fireplace glass doors with track include an anodized aluminum track and glass enclosure with ¾” wide top and bottom tracks.
The Special Z Superior fireplace door has an anodized aluminum enclosure with a ¾” wide frame and is only available as an inside fit. Air space is allowed on the sides, top, bottom, or a combination in order to provide the same air flow as zero clearance fireplaces.
The Superior fireplace door with ¾” frame comes with either a black or polished brass finish. It’s available as ¼” tempered bronze, clear and gray colored glass. Options include either CV2 bi-fold doors or FS2 bi-fold, full-swing trackless doors.
The Superior fireplace door with 7/8” frame comes in either black or polished brass finish. It comes with ¼” tempered bronze, clear or gray colored glass. The doors may be purchased as CV2 bi-fold doors or FS2 bi-fold, full-swing trackless doors.
Finally, the Superior steel fireplace door has a ¼” welded steel plate enclosure with a 1 ¾” wide frame. The set is available as an overlap fit. The design can be installed on zero clearance boxes with marble, tile or any other non-combustible material up to 5/8” thick.
Every Superior fireplace door is manufactured in the U.S. by a company that has been in business since 1943. You can’t get better value doors. They are the originator of tempered glass fireplace doors and one of the hearth and fireplace accessory industry's largest suppliers of stock and custom fireplace doors.
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