A Fireplace in the Bedroom Heats Things Up
We talk a lot about the hearth as a place for the entire family to gather on a cool winter night, but we don’t talk as much about fireplaces in other rooms of the house. At one time, though, many homes were built with multiple fireplaces, and sometimes with a fireplace in every room. Can you imagine? You wander from the living room to the bedroom and the crackle never stops, the warmth follows you wherever you go. What luxury, what pleasure, what a satisfying way to spend the morning or wind down at night. It must have been nice.
Sadly, the days of a fireplace in every room are all but gone, or at least out of most home buyers’ reach. Builders don’t usually build that way nowadays and the majority of us just don’t have the extra capital to invest in the extra amenities. We’re happy to have the one we’ve got, and we settle for the extras we know we can afford, like new fireplace doors and fireplace mantels. It’s not a bad life. In fact, it’s pretty doggone good.
But what if I was to suggest just one additional fireplace? And what if I were to suggest that the extra fireplace go in the master bedroom, where it can be enjoyed by you and your spouse after the kids go to bed, where its snap and its crackle can work their magic undisturbed?
And what if I were to tell you it’s not as extravagant as it sounds, and that people are doing exactly this, more and more? What if I were to tell you it’s not only a reasonable expense, but potentially a money-saving investment, too? What if I were to show you precisely what I’m talking about so you could see for yourself?
Kind of makes you warm just thinking about it, doesn’t it?
It does me. I’m already looking up numbers for a contractor.
Is it a good idea?
ReplyDeleteI Buy Fireplace Parts
I am an educator & entrepreneur who wanted to use my gas fireplace year round. What I came up with is a set of four rectangular container candles that are positioned between the gas logs. Each candle has two wood wicks, which crackle while burning, in addition to two zink wicks which can be repositioned to change the flame size. In total each candle set has 16 wicks and are scented to smell like a real wood burning fire. My family and friends love them. I would like some feedback from a more impartial audience. They can be seen at gaslogcandles.com